In Feeling July

I think this hypothesis is supported mostly by experiences rather than scientific research: people change. No one stays the same forever. While we consider the big palpable changes terrifying, we tend to trivialize the smaller ones. Let's use a simple example such as moving things around. "I will move the cupboard a few inches to the left. I promise you won't notice a thing." We choose to forget the fact that if minutes turn into hours, inches turn into miles. If something is not as grand, it will leave us with the impression that the change is merely a slight adjustment.

And it's true: some changes go unnoticed because we let them be. Wecarelessly and unconsciouslyconvince ourselves not to bother with those stuff that we don't realize how much we have changed. Let’s think about the time we start losing interest in something we used to be so obsessed with, or when we feel like the rush we get from a roller coaster ride is no longer as worth it. The small, unnoticeable change is there too when we stop going on a longer route to get a glimpse of our crush, or when we have spent too much time shielded from the outside world that we are now socially awkward.

Well, the awareness feels like snapping back to reality. Confusion reigns, and then we start questioning everything.

In my case, some changes are good, while others are not. I am still constantly stunned by the truth, by the little things that I have ignored along the way but am still forced to face. Sometimes it makes me feel bad too. And then I feel bad for feeling bad. Is it weird? I wish you would say no and convince me that since everything happens for a reason, those changes happen for a really good one perhaps.

I think it is true that some parts of us will change. I think it is true that we will inevitably hate some parts of it. Instead of obsessing over something we could no longer change, we should learn to make peace with it. A positive mind will lead to a more positive life. I now believe that nothing is impossible when you have a positive attitude.

If time travel were a thing, future me would perhaps visit to give present me a hug and say, "Kiddo, it's okay. People change. You are people."

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