Opening the Doors: New Features, New Connections

One of my friends told me the other day that I should open up to new people more. Even though the advice was unsolicited and not based on any particular circumstance, it was still quite profound. I knew she meant well, and I appreciated her caring nature (I love it when people show that they care). Although her objective was mainly focused on my love life, I found it resonated with something unexpected: my passion project, which is this blog.

When I first started this blog, I honestly didn’t expect people to stay for my writing. My blog has a specific niche that might not appeal to the general audience, so I hid the follow button and the comment section, thinking they would be of no use. Now, I wouldn’t say that my blog has garnered major views these past few years, but I think it has, in a way, found its readers. And they are the people I digitally appreciate from the deepest part of my heart: you and your fabulous internet connection.

Allow me to say thank you for staying, whether it’s for the book reviews, personal thoughts, or travelogues. As a way for me to give back, I have turned on my follow button and comment section. Please, this is by no means pressure for you to follow me. I just want to let you know that I’m welcoming you with open arms, and I encourage you to share if you have something the world needs to hear but the real-life people might not. My comment section is available to fill in anonymously. Your secrets are safe here.

The Follow button is located under the 'About Me' section:

# Web Version #

# Mobile Version #

The Comment section is located under every post:

# Web Version #

# Mobile Version #

I don’t know whether the features will be of use now, but I promise I will reply to each interaction (assuming there will be some). Hopefully, these two features will become valuable additions to the blog that I love like a child of my own.

Happy opening-up day, people.

Love, Karina

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